Sunday, May 15, 2011


Surely I'm not the ONLY person who feels that hearing that word over and over and over again is grating on the nerves???
Truly. I was taking D to a farm yesterday that happened to be about an hour away from Nashville. She was getting antsy and just starting to whine and just kept saying, "Mama. Mama."...."Mama."
At first, I was replying, "Yes, sweetie." "Yes, baby." But no response from her. Just a continuous, "Mama..."
And then I was replying, "What."
And then she says, "Don't say 'what' to me!"
Blah. Seriously, can she just stop saying Mama??
Today, same thing. Just keeps saying Mama maybe because she is tired? Bored? Unsure of herself?
And now I digress.
I tell ya...this mothering thing is a thankless job. I bend over backwards for this child and she's certainly not doing the things I'd like her to do sometimes - like not playing with her food, like eating her food properly and in a timely not swinging her fork around.
Sure, she's only two years old but then I think about myself when I was young and I'm pretty sure I did not turn out the way my mother had hoped for me. Yes, I'm pretty sure as a mother you just give and give and hope and hope and then just end up giving up hope.
Bleak, isn't it? Thankless. Don't know why so many women are pining for this job...and multiple times no less. Crazy.

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